Now that the party's over, it's back to work
Well, that was fun—and of course as with any great one-time event I forgot my camera (see also: Scripps Camp letterpress workshop of last year). Despite Academy Awards competition, a crowd of book- and letter-lovin' people came out for the launch of Letterpress PDX, the Portland-based print shop that brings the power of the press to your doorstep.
Time Farmer provided a sweet atmospheric backdrop while many people perused my book collection, and almost all complied with my plea to handle the new book as much as possible. It still hardly looks or feels so "read"; I'll have to take it out for touching more often.
I should be finishing the Two Lives edition (25 more to go), but instead I spent the afternoon fine-tuning the dummy for my printing of Baudelaire's "L'Invitation au Voyage." Here's a front and back view of the prototype, and the first page (still sans accent marks).

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