Friday, August 28, 2015

Rejection can make a heart sing

Just a quickie post here to say I received another rejection for my manuscript, with this observation:
You have many strengths as a writer, including character development, integrating Chinese words into the text, presenting facets of Chinese culture, incorporating humor, and establishing scenes.
In the months of writing when I knuckled down before the cursor after leaving behind my newspaper life, I strived for all these things. Now someone's noticed. Along with these kind words, I also received feedback for improvement. Fresh eyes bring new ideas, and I'm grateful.


At 21:03, Anonymous Laura said...

That's a good sign! I really enjoyed the workshop I took with you at OCAC some years back, and will keep my eye out for when your book gets published. :)

At 23:13, Blogger margaret said...

Thank you, Laura, for your comment. It was wonderful having you in the workshop at OCAC.

I'm aiming to publish first part of 2016. Thank you for your support and encouragement.


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