Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Bookbinders cover it all

Shab Levy takes a whack at it.
I'm an infrequent attendee of a monthly bookbinders' club here in Portland, but when I go I always come away encouraged by others' insight into the craft and their projects. All-around talented guy Shab Levy staged his altered book near the entrance so we could get a laugh on the way in, and the ensuing chat covered many bases, including one member's show and tell of her incredible illustrated journeys and another's fascinating library finds (a journal on written languages? Very cool—and I wish I remembered the name of it).

Often in the honing of my elevator speech given to nonbookbinders, I stumble on how to stress the importance of one of the world's oldest, most effective, and most durable communication tools, but this crowd needs no explanation.

We're all book believers. From that starting point, we pursue infinite conversations that serve as inspiration for making more.

Speaking of making, I head into the studio soon to prepare wares for my only show/sale of the year, which runs 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. Friday, Nov. 6, and 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 7, at the Northeast Community Center, 1630 N.E. 38th Ave. right here in Portland, Ore.


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