Saturday, June 15, 2019

Nothing stays the same in the face of ne plus ultra de change

That's the aim—a detail from Saucymorons, Volume I.

... except my love for books and binding.

As I prep to teach more at Scripps Camp, which sold out within two days this year, I have good reason to unpack my packed-up studio (yes, again) while I consider mentoring a wannabe bookbinder starting in the fall. I did order a massive supply of paper recently so there must be some edition brewing in my soul—just hasn't reached my fingers yet.

At the end of the month, I take part in the biannual Focus on Books Arts conference in Forest Grove at Pacific University, with a table at the artists' fair and sale from 4:30 to 7:30 in the Cawein Gallery on Thursday and Friday, June 27 and 28, topped with a workshop. Learning and networking are what life's all about these days.

In the meantime, enjoy pictures from a magazine photo shoot done last fall. Pics by David Vigil.

I pretend to read Mandarin.

Tools of the trade: Last time I was in China I couldn't find
the brown brushes anymore because the plant whose fibers
are used to make them was too scarce.

The centerfold of Steel Standing shows a beautiful bridge.

A page of Baudelaire's L'Invitation au Voyage—I only have
a few left in this letterpress-printed edition of 25.


At 16:33, Blogger Pystabard said...

Margaret, I just finished reading "China Under the Covers"...thanks again for signing my copy at FOBA! It is brilliant - and I am now inspired to complete the bindings and the shutao.

At 16:20, Blogger margaret said...

Pystabard, thank you! I'm so glad you enjoyed the book and hope you tell me how the bindings and shutao go. As they'd say in China, Tai hao le (How great!).


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